Update Feature: Projected Standings

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avatarken_admin  5/15/2014 6:39 AM

The Projected Standings were updated with the following:

- For Yahoo! users, you can download your current standings and combine them with our remaining projected standings. Since Yahoo! does not supply ABs, we estimate them by finding each team's remaining ABs and assume that rate up to this point.

- Innings Limit - If you're projected remaining innings results in a total over your innings limit, we cutoff the stats at that limit.

If you have unique category settings and find that they are not being downloaded, let us know, and we may be able to estimate those too.

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarjyang61107  5/15/2014 9:04 AM

Thank you and thumbs upthumbs up

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avatardescender  5/15/2014 11:51 AM

Thanks for getting this working kslight :)


A slightly off topic question... should I have to agree to allow access to Yahoo every day?  It seems like other websites (let's just throw fantasypros out there, which I haven't had to "allow access" to Yahoo since the first day it was set up) only request this "approval" of access once.  Is there a cookie missing or messed up somewhere?

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avatarken_admin  5/15/2014 12:00 PM

Yes, there is more we can do here, and we plan on looking into it shortly.

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avatardescender  6/18/2014 4:46 PM

I've noticed lately that the projected standings page doesn't seem to be importing all of the categories correctly?

Ties are not handled right, but I can somewhat understand this depending on how the data is coming to you.

When you hit "current standings", OBP imports properly but SLG doesn't.  I'm guessing this makes the ROS standings incorrect as well?

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avatarken_admin  6/18/2014 9:20 PM

Currently, the Yahoo import does not include the raw stats behind many of the categories. For instance, SLG is given but not the stats required to calculate it. In these cases, we need to estimate the stats. We currently do this for OBP, and we can look at doing the same for SLG.


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