Daily rankings feature - last season

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avatarliam4  5/28/2014 10:37 AM

I've mentioned this once before, but last season, the daily projections page for annual fantasy leagues (dailyprojections.aspx) had a feature at top right that showed the day's projection for each player on your team.  It was a great way to shuffle daily lineups quickly and on the go, and see the latest on whether a player was starting, which this site does a great job of showing ASAP (Yahoo is terrible).

Now, the feature in place allows you to edit teams, but I don't see utility in that?  In any case, consider this one vote for a return to last season's format.

100% Agree (1 vote)
avatarken_admin  5/28/2014 11:49 AM

Yes, it seems the team editor offers little value here so we'll replace that section with a mini-team analysis.

0% Agree (0 votes)

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