Park Factors?

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avatarvenombmg7  5/29/2014 4:33 PM

I was reviewing the park factors and they don't seem to make sense.  If looking at the All Batters grid, how can 28 parks have an above average walk factor and only two have below average.  How is this possible?  Same with strikeouts, two parks have above, 28 have below.  If you add up all the factors in each column, shouldn't the overall factor be 0%?  If you add the triple factor, it adds to 428%!


Also, how are strikeouts and walks related to the park they are playing in?  I would think a park would only matter if the ball was in play.


Thank you,


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avatarken_admin  5/29/2014 7:29 PM

We'll take a look at this and get back tomorrow. Generically, this page is show each team's home results vs. their road results, but I'll provider more detail tomorrow.

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avatarken_admin  5/31/2014 8:51 AM

The park factors compare a team and their game opponent stats at home vs. the same on the road so they're not going to total 0 since it's an estimate. We have added more data which does dampen some of the larger 3B adjustments, but the results are mostly unchanged. For strikeouts, they mostly affect pitchers in COL where the altitude does affect the k-rate.

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