Pujols for Wainwright (injury risk worse for one than the other?)

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avatarmymaus  7/13/2014 2:16 PM

Thinking about trading Pujols for Wainwright in my H2H OBP league. If both stay healthy and perform as BBM projects, it’s a win for my team needs. So my main question is about Wainwright’s health. Jeff Zimmerman over at Fangraphs does a great job at looking at stats related to health. Jeff’s not putting up any red flags yet, but I did notice that Wainwright’s Velocity and Zone% (2 of the main warning signs) are trending moderately down from the beginning of the year. Also, Wainwright had an "tennis" elbow problem about a month ago.

What do you all think?

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avatarmbuser   7/13/2014 2:34 PM

If team context likes it, I'd pull the trigger. Wainwright looks to be in fine form since returning from the rest for his elbow.

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