Pending Trade in my league

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avatarsonybomba  7/22/2014 6:50 PM

So this is a trade that is pending in my league (14 Team 7x7 Categories):

ThirdBEST team in the league gets: Miguel Cabrera, D.Ortiz, C. Kimberl and E. Freiri

?Second WORST team in the league gets: Nick Swisher, Brandon Moss, A. Rendon and A. Cobb 

Something fishy going on? 

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avatarmbuser   7/22/2014 7:14 PM

What are the extra cats? While it's true that Rendon and Moss have been good/very good, it'd be VERY hard to justify the second-worst team in the league giving up that package if the intent was a last-ditch effort to get back into the race. Attaching Frieri to the deal is something of a tell - "throw in a garbage player and it will look more even."

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avatardescender  7/22/2014 7:33 PM

Unless this is a keeper/dynasty league and the values are skewed, I would never allow a trade like this to go through in one of my leagues.  Even if that second-to-worst team can legitimately still make your league's playoffs... how are they going to do accomplish that with this package?

Frieri is clearly a throw-in that will be dropped the day after this trade goes through.  I can't imagine that Swisher and Cobb have any value that is hard to replace on your waiver wire either.  The crux of the deal here is Miggy/Ortiz/Kimbrel for Moss/Rendon, and when you look at it like that, it IMO doesn't make sense on any planet... no matter what the extra categories are.

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avatardescender  7/22/2014 7:35 PM

Yes, I'm a mean commissioner :p  I lock teams the minute they are eliminated from the playoffs in H2H leagues, and in my keeper league we have rules that both managers have to be able to explain/defend their end of the trade in an acceptable way.

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avatarsonybomba  7/22/2014 8:20 PM

Forgot to mention, the 2nd best team in the league IS the commissioner ... 

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avatarsonybomba  7/22/2014 10:14 PM

Do Moss, Rendon, Cobb and Swisher make for good keepers next year? 

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