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avatarguntaar2187  3/25/2013 7:18 PM

Last year I had 3 leagues, two on espn and one on CBS. Everything worked fine and I was able to import my rosters. I wasn't able to get the CBS leagues updated and working yet, but I figured it was because they technically hadn't finished drafting, so maybe that was the cause. I've tried using the league name in the URL, and my username password combo. Still no luck....

Anybody else having similiar issues? Perhaps others who are using CBS and had trouble the first shot but eventually got it working?  Thanks

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avatarmbuser   3/25/2013 7:28 PM

When you say you "technically" haven't finished drafting, what do you mean?

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avatarguntaar2187  3/26/2013 6:21 PM

ok well im officially too embarassed to admit what my problem was. but thanks buser, i didn't figure it out until i read your post! haha. I couldn't figure it out for weeks, too.... then it hit me. you're magical. 

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avatarmbuser   3/26/2013 6:34 PM

Hah, I'll take it big smile

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