FantasyFeud Salaries

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avatarbuckyx  8/12/2014 3:00 PM


I'm noticing that FantasyFeud salaries are different today from the games I've selected.  They redesigned the website this morning so I'm wondering if that interfered with the salary import.


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avatarken_admin  8/12/2014 3:02 PM

We will look into this. Thanks

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avatarken_admin  8/12/2014 5:45 PM

Their data feed is not matching their website so we'll contact them to see when that will be updated. If it's not working in the next couple of days, we'll find a way to import their current pricing from their site.

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avatarbuckyx  8/15/2014 12:34 PM

Hi.  Any updates on this?  Thanks.

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avatarken_admin  8/15/2014 12:37 PM

I've contacted them, and they are aware that they are incorrect.

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avatarken_admin  8/19/2014 12:27 PM

We're currently getting no data from FantasyFeud on their pricing, and we are still in contact with them. Sorry again for the trouble.

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avatarken_admin  8/19/2014 1:07 PM

They have a new feed so the prices should be correct now.

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