homepage question

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 You can add an avatar image from your User Settings page.

avatarwtapppp  5/4/2014 12:33 AM

The home page changed from Top Hitters - Season to Top Hitters - Past Two Weeks .......... is that a site wise change or did I change that setting and where can I change it again?

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avatarmbuser   5/4/2014 1:44 AM

That was a site-wide default that we changed.

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avatarken_admin  5/4/2014 10:11 AM

It was previously the remaining projections for the rest of the season which wasn't very dynamic. Last season, we showed past two weeks which varied day-to-day and was more useful for users to see. Since we're a month in, it made sense to switch to it again. Did you prefer the remaining projections?

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avatarwtapppp  5/4/2014 12:32 PM

Nope, I like what it is now, I was just wondering if I had changed something so I wanted to see if there were other options as well. Thanks.

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